
Don't tell anybody this but....

This is embarrasing to admit, but I will do it anyway: I have a blog crush. Simply put, I have a crush on someone whose blog I frequent quite regularly. It's this white dude in Atlanta named Stuart McDonald and for some reason I am quite captivated by him. Number one-he's white and I rarely look twice at a white dude. Number two-he's cute. Number three- he seems enthralled with black women. Number four-he seems to be one of those rare guys who like women just as they are...no stipulations about hair type and length, no crazy expectations about make-up and other things...in his writing he comes across as the type of man who a woman could be herself around and feel completely and totally at ease. And I think for black women that is insanely attractive because so much of what we are expected to look like isn't the real us or it isn't a standard all of us live up to - permed hair, long hair, thin, light skin. Ugh. I'm sick of the standards. Just let a woman be who she is. And so I think that is my attraction to Stu (see I've already given him a nickname hehe). And as I think about it more I must commend Stu for his writing--the fact that I could develop a crush on someone simply because of what they write and how they write really speaks volumes about his talent. How amazing it is that someone's words could capture the essence of who they are and what they are all about to such an extent that a person reading those words could be genuinely attracted to that person. Stu has inspired me to be a better blogger and a better writer. The written word is a powerful thing and reading his words has reminded me of that. Thanks Stu.

So this week was one of those exhausting in a good way kinda weeks. It was one of those weeks where I repeatedly sigh contentedly and say I love my job. It was one of those weeks where God reminded me of just how exciting it is to live this life with Him and for Him. Monday it began with me almost getting into a horrible car accident, but God. He protected me and kept me calm and saved my life. Then I had a presentation at Cedar Ridge which was soooo fun. I love high school kids. Next on the agenda was the Reality Center high school group. I had a lesson plan and God totally led in another direction. What he had was so much better! Our hour together ended with a discussion of religion vs. relationship, knowing truth, and a group prayer. Aww how sweet it was. I walked outta that place practically floating. Wednesday and Thursday I had presentations at Jordan. Again, the kids were hilarious and I had such a good time with them. Oh and how could I forget...the week started with the most amazing, mind-blowing, heaven-like church service I've ever been to. It was crazy!! God was all up in that place and everybody just lost their minds lol. People were praising God at a whole nother level. P. Nate got up to start the service and had to sit right back down and let the praise team come right back up cuz we just kept on praising. Aaaahhhh experiences like that just can't be put into words. Then P. Brian preached a sermon that went straight to my heart about resurrection power bieng alive in us. The dead things in my life don't have to stay dead. They can and they will live. He even gave his testimony at the end and his awareness of God's grace was so evident as he cried and jumped around the stage in praise to the God who saved his life. God is so good to us...that even while we're still on this earth he gives us a glimpse of heaven. The God I serve is real and no one can convince me otherwise.

More to come...