

What has been up with me the last four months? Hmmm...let's see if I can remember:

-God used Philippians to show me how selfish I've been in ministry and what selflessness in ministry looks like
-Started exercising last week and I'm lovin' it.
-Spent a day alone at the beach. It...was....heavenly.
-Admitted my insecurity, received prayer, and finally felt up to the challenge of battling insecurity in my mind.
-have begun confessing scriptures about my identity in Christ. these verses are becoming a part of me.
-i'm becoming more comfortable in my own skin. for example i've NEVER liked my legs, but for the first time ever I think they're quite nice :-)
-there are two friendships developing in my life that God is really using to challenge me. These people are nothing like me and i'm nothing like them. and the way they live and the way they think and they way the approach ministry is calling me to a higher standard...and they don't even realize it.
-Finished reading This Present Darkness. I devoured that book. Anything on spiritual warfare captivates me.
-Rest comes from God. Not TV. Not long naps. Not sitting around doing nothing. He gives rest.
-I have an almost crush on this guy I've known for years. I say "almost" becuz I won't allow myself to really like someone until they make it clear that they have feelings for me first.
-Been meeting with my brothers in Christ and hearing what's on their hearts w/r/t to marriage and relationships and family. It has been a blessing. God is in it. I know some great guys. They will make great husbands. Glad I have the privilege of knowing them and praying for them.
-things are changing. people are moving, getting married, pursuing their dreams. it's exciting and sobering. idk if i'm ready.
-agreed to start mentoring a girl at the reality center. i first met her during a presentation last year and i never 4got her. excited, nervous, and scared about this new relationship.
-sang in public for the first time in forever. it was horrible. idk why I sound so awful when I know people are listening.
-I've been wondering do I really know how to be intimate with people? Like I'm not sure I know how to open up and be vulnerable and all that.
-when people ask me how I'm doing and what's going on in my life, I usually feel like I have nothing to say. I wonder why? My life is full and fun, so why can't I verbalize that.
-Been writing more. It feels like coming home to a familiar place after being away for years and realizing with great relief that it feels the exact same.
-I'm nervous about this upcoming bridal shower that I'm planning.
-I had a dream/nightmare that I was late for Janel's wedding and someone else took my place in the line-up :-(
-I'm at work writing this at work.
- I am sooooo NOT an office person. Being in an office all day drives me sorta kinda mad. I need to be out and about. I've realized this more this past coupla weeks cuz my presentation schedule has been extremely light.
-I forgot how much I LOVE a good comedy. And then I saw Date Night and I laffed practically the whole time. I love to laff. I need to find some comedians I can watch on youtube.
-Gotta counseling session at work today that I feel totally unprepared for. So I'ma go pray. Prayer....something that it is so vital to everything in life and yet I still neglect it. Sigh. I believe that one day prayer for me will be like breathing.