
Prayer and Roommates

Today was great. Not in an overwhelming, explosive, tell the world kind of way, but in a smile to yourself, peaceful, I know God loves me kind of way. I love days like these....

First of all Pastor Andy preached about prayer yesterday. It was a challenging message that I carried with me and continued to meditate on. One thing he mentioned was how sometimes God'll answer a prayer we haven't even prayed yet, and that happenend to me at work today. I was talking with my co-worker and she told me about htis financial seminar they are having at King's Park taught by Dave Ramsey. Apparently he's this spiritually grounded financial guru who really helped her and her husband get their money situation in order and plan for the future. I was ecstatic to hear this because one of the things on my heart lately has been the desire to be financially sound and wise and prepared for the future. I just didn't know how to approach it. But this financial seminar is exactly what I didn't know I was looking for. He talks about saving, investing, stocks, retirement, buying a house, and all that real life stuff that they don't teach you in college. The seminiar is not free so I will be asking my daddy for the funds to pay for it, but I think he'll be excited to pay for something like this.

So in thinking about Pastor Andy's message on prayer I took a radical step during my prayer time. I started praying about my sex life with my future husband. Crazy huh? I mean I never considered praying for good sex....the only prayer I've prayed about sex is that God will help me to NOT have it while I'm single lol. But I thought...you know...God created sex and I want to have sex the way God intended. I want it to be everything God meant for it to be. And since I pray about everything else, why not this? I feel like it was a breakthrough moment because it spurs me to pray in more radical ways. Also I think it'll make the waiting easier in some ways. Of course I say that now when I don't have a boyfriend, but really...you know how when you pray and invite God into something, your heart and your desires and your picture of how it should be lines up with His. So as I pray for an amazing, God-honoring, fun, exciting, passionate, intimate, God-designed sex life....I expect for the wait to be easier since I'll be getting a more clearer vision of what exactly I am waiting for.

Another great part of my day....my roommate came to me in a very gracious and mature way and proceeded to begin a convo in which we addressed some issues that we've both allowed to become points of contention. It was very freeing and honest and challenging and helpful. I think I have an issue with confrontation because I always question whether or not the issue I'm having is just me being selfish or self centered. Another reason is that sometimes I just don't feel like I can say things without being harsh or mean. But today taught me that I need to deal with those issues and be ready and willing to confront things on head on. I know that if I seek God He will reveal when I am being self centered and selfish and He will make it clear when my concern is legitimate. He will also help me confront people lovingly. So really I have no excuse.

Having a roommate who is so vastly different from me in temperament and personality is a a great tool to mold me into the conformity of Christ. It is a challenge, but a very good one that I appreciate it because it exposes selfishness and greed and forgiveness and pride and probably a whole bunch of other stuff that I don't even recognize yet. It stretches me. And I feel as though it is great preparation for marriage and just for life in general. Knowing how I am, solitary living would be an incubator for all kinds of un-Christlike attitudes. And so I am grateful for my roommate and I'm grateful that God loves me enough to change me.

So I have a presentation 2morrow. Actually 2 presentations. I will be giving a brief info session about PSS in CH and then I will be going to a summer camp to talk to kids about abstinence and goals. I should probably go to bed considering what I have ahead of me in the AM. I'll let you know how it goes. G'nite.

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